Divendres/ Viernes/ Friday 17/05/2024
Dimecres/ Miércoles/ Wednesday 22/05/2024
Mentre Siguis Tu
L’estiu del 2019, l’aclamada actriu catalana Carme Elias, diagnosticada d’Alzheimer, decideix rodar la seva última producció al costat de la seva amiga i directora Claudia Pinto. El que comença sent una pel·lícula secreta i sense pretensions acaba convertint-se en una contundent invitació a viure el present. Un pacte d’amor i amistat. Un cant a la vocació i al miracle de l’art.
Ref: Mentre Siguis Tu arriba a Les Roquetes
After 50 years in theatre, film and television, Carme Elias is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Together with Claudia Pinto, a director and friend, they decide to record her last conscious voyage. The characters played by Carme accompany this difficult period, while the borders between fiction and reality disappear.
Rome, 1946. Delia has three children and is married to the moody Ivano, who does not treat her very well. After the war, both struggle to support their family with various low-paying jobs. But one day, wonderful news shocks them: Marcella, the eldest daughter, has just gotten engaged to Giulio, a very nice boy from a good family. Delia is very excited about this new beginning that will bring a better future for everyone. However, she receives a mysterious letter that promises to change the entire family’s plans forever…
Fitxa Tècnica/ Technical Details
Calificació/Calificación/ Age Rating: +7
Gènere/ Género/ Genre: Documental
Durada/ Duración/ Running Time: 73′
Director: Claudia Pinto Emperador
Repartiment/ Reparto/ Cast: Carme Elias, Juan Carlos Corazza, Joan Elias
Idioma original/ Original Language: Català-Castellà/ Catalán- Castellano/ Catalan-Spanish
País/ Country: Espanya/ España/ Spain
Any/ Año/ Year: 2023